Tuesday, April 20, 2010


This is a repost from November - but since some people have tax money - what better way to spend it?

Cheaper than you think

A basic one year supply of food is cheaper than you think. Don't believe me - I'll prove it.

300 lbs. Grain @ $5.80 per 25 lb. bag x 12 = $69.60
60 lbs. Legumes @ $14.10 per 25 lb. bag + $8.50 (2 #10 Cans) = $36.70
20 lbs. Oil @ $2.00 per 48oz. bottle x 8 = $16*
60.5 lbs. Sugar @$13.20 per 25 lb. bag x 2 + $9.30 (2 #10 Cans) = $43.43**
50 lbs. Milk @ $35.40 per 25 lb. bag x 2 = $70.80
55 gallon water drum = $40 (@ Maceys

Basic One Year Supply = $236.53 + 40 for water = $276.53 Per person (The Cost is over $20 more now than in November)

Granted this is Basics and there is no variety, but that is an amazing start! You can do this. Christmas is coming, what better gift.

*Crisco 48 oz. bottles are on sale at Walmart right now for $2.00 (Smith's has them for $2.00, through tonight.)
**During case lot sales you can generally get a 25 lb. bag of Sugar for around $10  $11.38 @ Maceys, so you could get 75 lbs. for $34.14.

(All prices, except Oil are from the Church Cannery)
Price updates in Red.
The price of sugar has gone up some and milk a lot - it does not pay to wait.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Article on KSL

Check out this article on KSL regarding preparing for a natural disaster.

There are some good links to checkout.


We are making a trip to the cannery Saturday (tomorrow) at 10:30 a.m. if you are interested in coming or want me to pick something up for you, let me know.

Here is a link to the order form, so you can see the cost and what they have.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Upcoming Events

Case Lot sales are going on NOW.

Advanced First Aid Class - April 16th at the church.

Cannery Appointment - April 17th at 11:00 a.m. at Ogden Cannery.  (Meet at 10:30 to carpool).

Advanced Police Training with South Davis Police/Fire - Starting April 22nd - see me for details.

Concealed Weapons Class on April 28th at 5:30 p.m. - Cost is $60 and the class is being taught at the CAL Ranch store in Ogden.
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