Cheaper than you think
A basic one year supply of food is cheaper than you think. Don't believe me - I'll prove it.
300 lbs. Grain @ $5.80 per 25 lb. bag x 12 = $69.60
60 lbs. Legumes @ $14.10 per 25 lb. bag + $8.50 (2 #10 Cans) = $36.70
20 lbs. Oil @ $2.00 per 48oz. bottle x 8 = $16*
60.5 lbs. Sugar @$13.20 per 25 lb. bag x 2 + $9.30 (2 #10 Cans) = $43.43**
50 lbs. Milk @ $35.40 per 25 lb. bag x 2 = $70.80
55 gallon water drum = $40 (@ Maceys
Basic One Year Supply = $236.53 + 40 for water = $276.53 Per person (The Cost is over $20 more now than in November)
Granted this is Basics and there is no variety, but that is an amazing start! You can do this. Christmas is coming, what better gift.
*Crisco 48 oz. bottles are on sale at
**During case lot sales you can generally get a 25 lb. bag of Sugar for around $
(All prices, except Oil are from the Church Cannery)
Price updates in Red.
The price of sugar has gone up some and milk a lot - it does not pay to wait.